Studio Equilátero visual identity
visual identity project
project: Studio Papaya
images: Studio Papaya
year: 2019
The visual identity of the architecture firm Studio Equilátero comes from the idea of graphically exploring the dual relationship of simplicity and complexity that resides in the essence of the equilateral triangle, and which translates the architecture principles of the Studio.
The simple and flat geometric shape hides a series of properties and relationships in its lines and angles, and presents a certain magic in its composition. Therefore, there is no better way to represent an office that seeks to provide the most varied services in the field of architecture, always linking the optimization of resources with adequate planning, prioritizing innovation, sophistication and quality of its creations. Just like the triangle, the Studio's architecture seeks to establish a direct relationship between the beauty of simplicity with the functionality of design.
To represent this entire range of relationships and concepts, the new visual identity explores the equilateral triangle in the most diverse ways possible, creating compositions with lines, full and empty spaces, textures, photos and editions, using the simplicity of form as an element of contextualization of the brand identity in its most varied forms of presentation. In this way, a direct and intrinsic relationship is established between the geometric shape and the Studio's name, transforming the triangle into the synthesis of the brand's values and concepts. The proposal presents itself as an essentially minimalist composition, a sophisticated and timeless synthesis of values, striving for the purest meaning of the phrase “Less is more”.